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Cancellations and Returns

How to get a defective item replaced and how does the 30 day Replacement Guarantee work?

We check repeatedly before packing the items which are to be sent. We sincerely scrutinize for defective materials. Hence, it is very rare that a defective item gets shipped on our behalf. Still, if it happens, follow the following steps to get it replaced. In order to get a defective item replaced, contact us via the Contact Us page, within 30 days from the date of delivery.


The defective product (or part of it) will be recalled and the replacement will be shipped immediately.


All products sold under are covered under the 30 day replacement policy. You only need to notify us about any defective or damaged product, either at the time of delivery or within 30 days after the delivery has been made. We will then issue a brand new replacement without asking for any extra charges.


Replacement is offered for any product sold by only. Note that we will only provide the same item as a replacement.


Cases when the product will not be eligible for return or replacement-


    1. Products with tampered or missing serial/UPC numbers.
    2. Any damage /defect which are not covered under the manufacturer’s warranty.
    3. Damages caused by misuse/ rough handling of product.
    4. Incidental damage due to malfunctioning of product.
    5. Any product that is returned without all original packaging and accessories.
    6. In Case of book or any other printed materials., Quality of Prinitng and Qualiti of paper depend on the publishers. you can not change your book just beause the printing quality or page quality is low/bad/poor. If you have any doubt please call us to know about printing and paper quality before placing the order.


How to cancel an order?
An order can be cancelled before the processing of the same gets completed. Once the processing of an order is done with, you can not cancel that order any more.


Is it possible to cancel the order online?
No, you need to call us at 033-24139977, +919830324773 in order to cancel your order. You just need to call us and give the order number which you want to cancel. Once the processing of your order is completed, no further request for cancellation will be entertained.


How long will it take to process my cancellation request?
After you request for a cancellation, it will take a maximum of 1-5 business days for Bnetbazaar to cancel the order and arrange a refund. You will get the notifications as and when the developments regarding the same take place.

What are the modes of refund that are available?
The money will be refunded back to the payment mode/ account that were used initially to make the transaction.


While you have not chosen the Cash on Delivery option, the refund will be only done by transferring the amount into your bank account. If you wish, you can also keep the payment with us; we will adjust it while you make the next purchase.


Once you have confirmed the cancellation, Bnetbazaar will do accordingly and arrange the refund, as quickly as possible.

In case of wrong payment and double payment you can request for refund or you can also keep the payment with us; we will adjust it when you make the next purchase. If you want the refund in that case we will refund your amount after deducting Gateway Charges.

Book publishing/content copyright issue:
Bnetbazaar is reselling the books from various publishers. Bnetbazaar is not liable for any copyright related issues for content / images/ printed material inside the book sale / sold by Bnetbazaar. Only publisher is liable for this issue. If anyone have any problems, they have to contact the publishers / makers/ printer.


For any further assistance you require, reach out to us here-

Our Contact Address-

Bnet Technologies
77/2D Ibrahimpur Road,
27 Bidhanpally Jadavpur,
West Bengal, India
Office No. 033-24139977, +919830324773
Email: [email protected]
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